The Test Has Arrived!!!

Alright folks, I've finally finished my Zombie Survival Test. Just go here.
Now, I'm sure that there is going to be plenty of controversy over it, so if you have a problem with the questions and/or answers, please feel free to either comment or email me. I'll be happy to defend each and every one. Hope you all enjoy it!
I have deleted the account this test was under and thus the test itself. If the blog ever gets up and running again a new test will be created.
You relied a bit much on Max Brook's theories...
You think? I try to keep a distance from Brooks because of the fact that I differ from him so much. Just for example, I totally disagree with Brooks on how to choose weapons, best weapons, survival tactics etc. Can you give a specific example of where you think I stuck with Brooks too much? Because, to be honest with you, I find much of Brooks' stuff very unpersuasive.
oh, well it seemed that when you brought up solanium you were paying homage to him.
Brooks wrote a great book for laughs.
Well, Solanum is the traditional name for the the disease in zombie circles. I called it Solanum before I ever read Brooks. I also call it Romero-Fulci disease elsewhere in the test. Also in that question I go beyond anything Brooks is willing to claim in his book. The disease CAN be considered an STD, but Brooks refuses to go that far in his book. So, again - I don't see Brooks as authoritative, but I do think that his book represents a lot of practical realities about zombie survival that are often ignored. But on the test I do often disagree with what he has to say.
Solium existed before Brooks? Well, I've learned something new today; my bad.
ha ha I can't spell it!
If it didn't, then I just became familiar with it before I read his book - which I suppose is possible, since I didn't read his book until probably a year or more after it came out. But it is referenced in other areas that are antithetical to Brooks. For example, check out Ragan's paper, The Etiology of Romero-Fulci Disease: The Case for Prions. So, I guess I don't know how to guarantee that it existed prior to Brooks. I'm under the impression that it did and I did not rely on Brooks for my nomenclature.
Even though scoring relatively high in most aspects of the test, I still received a "there is absolutely no way you would live through a zombie invasion." That was a bit harsh, I think. Plus, not seeing the answers or any rationale for answers was disappointing. I looked around, but didn't see a link to the answers - perhaps I didn't look hard enough.
Aside from that, the quiz was very good, much better than the other one mentioned on the main page. I'd have liked to have seen more questions.
I do apologize for the fact that there's no link to answers or rationale for them given. Unfortunately the site doesn't allow for that. I would like to have been able to give the rationale. Perhaps someday if we get the blog going again I'll revamp the quiz and do it on another site and give the rationale. Glad to hear you enjoyed it though. Sorry about the outcome.
I am pretty shocked that more people don't find water/ water purification tablets one of the first things they should grab. You can go about a week between meals, you can only go a few days without water. Everyone should already have the weaponry.
Buddy your test sucks and there is beter ways of escaping then a bus...
Alas... while scoring higher than 99% of people my age in all categories, I'm stilled doomed to zombie-dom. I find this a frightening omen for the apocalypse to come.
Are there alternative results, or is the quiz running under the assumption that all survivors will eventually succumb once the outbreak has spread far enough?
Harsh test! I scored in the ninetieth percentile or higher in weapons, zombie wits, and practical wits (56%, 81%, and 84%) and in the 78th percentile for preparedness (75%), and I'm still a probable zombie!
Damn, boy! Throw a girl a bone!
Well, "anonymous", I don't feel particularly enlightened by your post. First, I would never in a million years advocate escaping a city on a bus. But I think more importantly, the fact that you would assume the bus as the only other option than whatever you picked is particularly illuminating as to your cognitive horizons...perhaps that's why you couldn't survive.
i am startin a groop called the ZRF. i need 4 people to join me, to fight zombies when it happens. and zombie experts are sayin that zombies will attac beetween 2010 to 2020 for more info or join th ZRF CALL MARK AT 303 670 2043 OR POST A COMMENT. to join the ZRF Most have a real gun.
Have you seen the new Sean Of The Dead figurs in the shops? Pretty damb cool!
Check out this zombie we found in the California Desert.
Shopping the cheap battery,you can see from here.
A real zombie survivor's journal:
I just found this blog and I love it! it's a blog after my own heart or brain. I'd love to get your opinion on my recently started blog.
it's a collection of short stories based on pictures I take, thoughts I have about the undead and everything else zombie related I can think of. I'd like to put a link to your blog as well. Thanks!
A new zombie game is coming out for the iphone on september 17th. its called zombie roadkill. not sure if its related to the movie thats coming out in a few weeks. they've got a facebook for it if your intrested
The time will be soon.When we are outnumbered.
here is a great zombie movie : ZOMBIE HARVEST
check it on youtube :
I don't think you'd need to kill this zombie, he just likes to talk:
I'm sad...I wanted to check out your test :P I am always looking for sweet zombie post-apocalyptic stuff...If you like books, you can check out the sci-fi series I am writing I'm looking for some good ideas for some promo videos.
that person is off of Shaun of the dead it is a zombie comedy. also thair is a show called high school of the dead
Love your blog - the design, the creativity, the writing.. everything about it! I hope ya'll start updating again, especially with Halloween around the corner.
Greetings Zombiephiles-
My name is Jon Clark from Brighton, UK.
My HipHop group, Special School, which includes Professor Elemental, have just finished our album and track 8, 'Hungry', is for you.
Enjoy your meal...
This is interesting haha..
How to Safely Take a Dump in the Zombie Apocalypse
That is interesting you can finished zombie survival.can you explained how you can survived. have you discuss about your strategy you have choose to finished zombie survival.
Zombie Run St. Louis
Zombie Run
some more zombie action plox
DANCE LIKE A ZOMBIE....pits the the dead against the living in a dance battle like no other
Hi zombie fans check out the soundtrack to the Zombie Apocalypse at and enjoy the Zombie tunes!
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